For the Potographer

I have been having so much fun with this series of talking about other crafts (well, besides crochet anyways), I might just have to focus on different crafts more often.  Each are so unique and bring their own set of challenges with them, and hopefully, by focusing my attention to one at a time I will be better equipped to help everyone with whatever problems they may run into.  This evening/afternoon/morning/whatever time of the day it is for you, I am going to be focusing on the photographer.

I am the author. This is a photo of a Nikon D1.
I am the author. This is a photo of a Nikon D1. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

While photography in and among itself is debatable as a craft, there are quite a lot of things that you can do with the photos that you take.  However, there is no doubt that photography is indeed an art…and one that can be interpreted in a variety of ways.  So, without further ado, let’s jump right into the brainstorming about what you can do with photography.

  • Artistic shots sold as prints – wildlife, plant life, still life, abstract, pretty furniture in a unique atmosphere, rooms.
  • Coasters
  • Screen printing – tshirts, pillow cases
  • HUGE canvasses
  • People – unique costumes, unique poses, wedding, anniversary, family, holiday
  • Stock photos for others to use
Photography Desk
Photography Desk (Photo credit: billread)

The actual photography aspect of this craft might be a bit competitive.  Anyone with a digital camera can take a decent picture, and as time passes, digital cameras are cheaper and more easily accessible.  There are classes available at local or community colleges that you can take, and if you have had some education involving photography then you will probably want to make sure that your customers know that you are not an amateur.  Advertise your education and your experience.  Let people know that you are a professional, with some education and experience in the craft.  You did NOT just go to wal-mart and pick up a $50.00 camera last week.

If you are solely focused on the photography, taking the pictures, what sets you apart as a professional (as opposed to the average Joe with a wal-mart camera)?  Every now and then, it might help to run specials.  Is there a place where potential clients can view examples of some of your previous work?  Maybe you could even photograph an event…there’s the obvious event of exchanging marital nuptials, but what about family reunions, or vacations, or a happy rejoining of couples (like if one of them has been overseas in the military), a birth (or celebration thereof, like a special birthday), a 50th anniversary.  Throw out different ideas like that to your clients.  Be open for new opportunities to grow your portfolio.

For the crafter who likes to put their photography on products, do you use your own photos, or do you purchase from a provider?  Don’t be afraid to let your customers know where you get your supplies.  I’ve mentioned before how non-toxic materials, or recycled materials (or even all-new materials) will add an extra incentive for your customers to buy.

Blog Ideas

  1. Where do you get your inspiration?
  2. Your ideal photographing situation.
  3. Process of editing your photography.
  4. THE perfect camera (maybe it doesn’t even exist yet).
  5. Share some of your photography knowledge with your readers.  I’m sure that they also have a camera that they use upon occasion.
  6. Your ideal client/model/subject.  Feel free to be totally vague about this one, or make it quite personal (but anonymous)
  7. What sort of classes or research or experimentation have you done to set yourself apart from the amateur?
  8. How many years have you been a photographer?
  9. Compare yourself now to yourself back when you first started.  How have you changed?  What did you do at the very beginning that was obvious noob?
  10. What about developing prints or finished products?  You can share this process of the creation without going into huge details.

Almost anyone can pick up a digital camera and take “professional-looking” shots.  It’s going to be the editing, the creativity, the time and energy, the professionalism, and the end result that is going to set you apart.

If you are a photographer, why not link back to your site on this page?  Or if you sell some of your photography in ANY form, let us know!  I would certainly love to check out what you make, and I’m sure others would too (free advertising!)

To check out my other “For the Crafter” posts in the series, just click a link below


For the Bookworm (Part 1)

For the Bookworm (Part 2)

For the Cook

For the Seamstress

For the Painter

For the Photographer

For the Needle-arter (Part 1)

For the Needle-arter (Part 2)

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And don’t forget to *LEAVE A COMMENT* share this post, and follow this blog for more great tips, advice, suggestions, and personal examples in the world of selling hand-made crafts (but especially crochet!).

12 thoughts on “For the Potographer

    1. I think one of the important things to keep in mind is, that you don’t necessarily need a “great” camera. Sometimes the best artistic creations can come out of that shot that’s just decent. Thank you so much for your comment.

  1. Sarah, I found this post and the links you provided really helpful. Photography is something I would love to get better at, use to bless other people/incorporate into gifts, etc., or maybe eventually make money from.

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