A-Z blogging challenge

Occasionally, I like to participate in a few different blogging challenges. It helps when I am in a rut, want more followers, need inspiration from other bloggers, plus it’s really fun and motivational. In the past, I have participated in The Ultimate Blog Challenge, The Author Blog Challenge, the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog challenge, and the 31 Days of Crochet Business challenge. Well, this time, I am gung ho for the A to Z challenge. It basically works like it sounds, I write 26 different posts (all in the month of April, btw) with each post focusing on each letter.

So, this post is gearing up for the challenge that is about seven weeks away. It seems like a long time from now, but it will approach quickly! I got some brainstorming and prep work to do. I also want to ask my faithful readers for help in brainstorming topics that you would be interested in hearing about! So, without further ado, the alphabet and possible blog posts for each letter. Keeping in mind that each of these are subject to change.

  • About me, my blog, and my crochet business. Why it is so important to include such personal information.
  • Blogging topics. If you blog about your craft, it can be challenging to come up with topics. I will be sharing 100 different topics that you can blog about.
  • Community Medias. Haha, aka social Medias πŸ˜› Stats for the most effective ones, how to use them, and even why to bother.
  • imageDear Monarch. Any question you may have about selling hand crafted goods the Monarch Butterfly can answer them. This is my “Dear Abby” segment. Every question will be answered, leave yours in the comment section below and maybe it will get featured!.
  • Educational (tutorial) about something. I will have to decide if I want to share a crochet pattern tutorial, or a craft selling how-to. Leave your input if you have a preference!
  • Finding the time. Whether your crafting is a hobby, a full time job, you are balancing other work, kids, responsibilities, here is some advice for finding the time to get it all done.
  • Guest blogger! It is never a bad idea to bring in someone else to share their knowledge. If you’d like to write for me, or know of someone you’d like to hear from leave a comment below!
  • Holidays. Whether you are prepping for a holiday specific inventory, or having trouble keeping everything organized for your own holiday, all the way to holiday specific crafts.
  • imageImages. Why they are so important, how to take good ones, and the best way to incorporate them to maximize selling.
  • Jelly fish. Your curiosity is peaked, is it not? I mean, how does Jelly fish relate to crochet or selling crafts? You will just have to wait and see!
  • Keys to being a successful craft seller. It’s a super competitive marketplace. What are some keys that you can implement to stay ahead of the curve, above water, and succeed?
  • Link love. A pretty extensive list of other crafty blogs and other diy wares that you can sell.
  • Market places. A general list of everywhere you can sell your wares. From online to physical store fronts.
  • Niches. What it is, Why to choose one and how to choose one.
  • Optimizing old posts. Instead of writing a new post, I will be going back to expand the potential of my older more popular posts.
  • Painless selling techniques. Don’t pull your hair out when the stresses of your business takes over. You don’t even have to wonder “how can i sell these products? Here are a few techniques you might want to try instead.
  • Quantify your sales (and in relation, your profits). A few simple steps to consider to maximize your selling rate.
  • Reproduce (short post)
  • Story of my craft selling adventure. How I started out and how I ended up where I am today.
  • Telling Tuesdays. Featuring another craft seller
  • Unjam your muse. In Greek mythology, Zeus the god of thunder (and head honcho) had seven daughters. These were called the seven muses and were believed to bring ideas and inspiration to people. But what do you do when your muse is all jammed up and you find yourself in a rut?
  • imageVanilla is a plain flavor, loved by most, versatile in many cooking recipes, but just doesn’t stand out. Don’t let your business become a vanilla flavor!
  • Ways to promote your craft selling. There are several ways to promote yourself and your craft. Check in here to get some ideas!
  • Xeroxing is never a good idea! A xerox is a copy machine. Even if you have permission to copy and sell, this is a territory to tread lightly. Ways to avoid copyright infringements.
  • Y follow my blog? What do I have to offer that is different from other blogs?
  • Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I wonder what this could mean πŸ˜›

As always, if you have any input, or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment. If you are interested in any of these, go ahead and subscribe to my blog so you will be sure to get it when it is published! I am excited about the challenge, and I look forward to sharing these with you πŸ™‚