May Scripture-Writing Challenge

May 2018

Even though I am continuing to struggle with finding my new sense of normal and balance right now, I certainly did NOT want to miss May’s scripture-writing Challenge Verses. We’ve been trekking on through this year for five months already! The New Year’s enthusiasm has long since worn off — are you still on track with your business-specific resolutions? Those of us in America are reaching the chaos of “end of the school year” and related stress from too many events crammed into too little time. If y’all are anything like me, usually by this time of the year, I’m growing weary and feeling frustrated…especially if I haven’t been seeing traceable progress with my numbers and stats. My time for creating is limited, my multi-tasking abilities are waning thin, I’m probably battling the stress acne and lack of appetite. And usually, I seriously consider giving up altogether.

It was only natural in my little head to declare this month’s theme to be “perseverence”. Only by continuing to persevere will any of us be able to overcome these “middle of the year blues” as I’ve officially dubbed it. As I’ve discussed before, putting God first and keeping Him in the focus will help everything else to fall in place. Hopefully, these verses will help you to persevere in the faith, and in relation, your business as well. Take a deep breath, and remember that God is in control. Now, enjoy these bible verses that I’ve found for you to keep your focus on keeping on and perseverence…everything will be ok  and don’t forget to download your free PDF of May’s #MakersVerses

May 2018

April Scripture-Writing

#MakersVersesApril #MakersVerses




April 2018

These past couple of weeks have been absolutely insane for me. I found out about a job opportunity in my kids’ school, and in a flurry of paperwork, I have found myself starting my third week as a kindergarten assistant. It is absolutely perfect for me! I’m still planning on creating, as I am able to, but obviously, my available time has been dramatically reduced.

Happy Easter fellow friends! I hope your day has been filled with as much laughter and color as mine has been. We spent the weekend shopping, perusing our favorite store (Barnes and Noble), watching “A Wrinkle In Time”, soaking up some sunshine, and not catching up on sleep. We ate too much good food, threw confetti eggs at each other, showed off our bright new Easter outfits, worshipped our Creator with fellow brothers and sisters, and are now enjoying another viewing of “The Last Jedi”! I call it a successful weekend for sure.

Happy April Fool’s Day as well! How insane has it been celebrating two larger holidays on the same day!? My kids have been playing pranks on each other all weekend and it’s been full of laughter. As far as April Fool’s pranks are concerned, I only have two rules: 1. No one gets hurt, they must be harmless pranks, and 2. No lies, you cannot say something false just to get a reaction and retort “April Fool’s” at the end of it. Good guidelines, I think.

Anyways, April is known as tax season. As a craft entrepreneur, I am all too familiar with how stressful taxes can be. So, this month’s scripture-writing focus, logically, had to be about stress and anxiety. Take a deep breath, and remember that God is in control. Now, enjoy these bible verses that I’ve found for you to keep your focus on peace (oooh, that should be next year’s April challenge topic!), and God’s providence…everything will be ok 🙂 and don’t forget to download your free PDF of #MakersVersesApril

April 2018