New Year, New Business Plan!

I took a break from creating last year when I made the choice to go back to school to get my bachelor’s degree in Special Education. Working full-time as a kindergarten special education paraprofessional (assistant), taking care of my little family (three school-aged children, and my mother-in-law, who lives with us), teaching bible class every Sunday, being the moral and emotional support for my husband (who is a minister/preacher), and the addition of classes towards my bachelor’s degree was more than enough for me to handle. I have still picked up my hook from time to time, but it has definitely been a hobby over the past year.

Anyways, I will be taking a bit of a break from my school later on this year. Actually, I’ll be finished with my core classes, and just waiting until I can start student teaching in August/September. Since I won’t be able to get paid for my student teaching (16 weeks), and I’ll essentially be job-less, my hope is to get a bit of revenue coming in from designing crochet patterns to help support my family during this time. So, I’m back and I’m ready to get going!

I thought I would take a minute to share my business plan with you guys, in hopes of keeping me accountable, and so that I can get ya’ll excited about it too!! The first thing that I’m going to do, and I’ve already started working on it, is to update everything. The etsy shop needs to be updated and renewed, the facebook page needs to be cleaned up a bit, and I probably have some fees and dues to take care of on ravelry. It’s also going to take some doing to get my instagram back up and running again. I also would like to research snapchat a little bit, but I’ve little idea how that works, so that’s tentative.

img_2851-1Next, my goal is to continue working on the state flag pillows that I started a couple of years ago. I already have Tennessee, Texas, Florida, and Kentucky finished. Oklahoma is about halfway done, if I can find the pattern that I started so long ago, haha! There is no way that I can get all 50 states done…that’s like a completed pattern every week. BUT, if I can manage 15 states, I think that’s a lofty goal. So, if you have any suggestions or ideas or desires of which state you would like to see me do, by all means, leave a comment, and I’ll add it to the top of my list!

I think that’s it. A two-fold business plan, and lots of prayers! Afterall, I wouldn’t even have this talent to begin with if it weren’t for God’s gracious gifting of it to me 🙂 I think ya’ll should follow along on my blog, get updates on the patterns as I work on them, and probably some crazy stories about how I manage everything, because it’s sure to be a crazy and hectic year!

Kentucky Flag Pillow

Crochet Kentucky PillowThose of you who have been following the blog know that I’ve slowly been working on creating these flag-colored State-shaped crochet patterns for decorative throw pillows. Unfortunately, each state takes about a month from concept to publication, so I’m looking at a three-year long project to get every single American state completed. Of course, I had to start with all of the states that I’ve lived in, the last of which is The Bluegrass state of Kentucky. I only lived in Kentucky for a couple of months shortly after getting married while Mr. Lovely finished up an internship, but it definitely counts!

To date, this is the largest state I have made, but I think the size definitely adds to the novelty of it! Also, one of the most challenging Flag-patterns out of the states I’ve completed so far. I also think that I get a little bit better every time I complete one of these crochet patterns, and I know I’m going to feel the need to go back and redo Florida and Tennessee, and probably some other states as well as I continue to gain experience in this project.

So, now I have completed Texas, Tennessee, Florida, and Kentucky. I’ve had a request for Pennsylvania, and because of where I live, I think Oklahoma should also be done soon as well. But I will definitely take further requests as to which states to complete next. I really am enjoying how these are turning out, and I’m anxious to get every state finished.


• Hook size F/5-3.75MM

• Worsted weight yarn in desired colors (I like using Red Heart Super Saver or Caron Simply Soft, but any brand should work just fine)

• Tapestry needle is optional for sewing in ends

• Stuffing


– Ch – Chain – YO, pull through

– Ss – Slip Stitch – Insert hook, YO, pull through both loops on hook

– Sc – Single Crochet – Insert hook, YO, pull through, YO, pull through both loops on hook

– Sc2tog – Single Crochet 2 Together – Insert hook into first stitch, YO, pull through, insert hook into second stitch, YO, pull through, YO, pull through all loops on hook

– Inc – Increase – Work 2 sc stitches both into the next stitch