Telling Tuesday’s – Rainbows

Couple years ago, I would feature other artists in a segment called “Telling Tuesday’s”. It was fun to explore and discover new treasures. I’m not sure why I stopped. Maybe I was trying so hard to promote myself that I didn’t think promoting others was worth my time and effort. After all of the research I’ve done about blogs and online businesses I know that it is very much worth my time and effort and I’ve decided to start it up again!

Rainbows. I love rainbows. Something about all of the bright vivid colors in an organized gradient order…it makes me happy. After all of the sadness and illnesses I have endured and witnessed the past few weeks, I could use more happiness. I know that our country is going through a very sick time (I’ve heard of schools all over the country detonating “Lysol” bombs and closing for flu and strep). Can’t we all appreciate more happiness? So, this week I am focusing on rainbows. All of my sources come from Pinterest and Etsy.


Of course you know I have to dedicate an entire section to crocheted rainbows! The colors, the stitch textures, the different interpretations, the incorporations…so delicious.

Rainbow link-upRainbow link-upRainbow link-upRainbow Link-up
This adorable unicorn with the curly hair by Strawberrrryy is just precious!

How about a vintage dress like this pattern from WonkyZebra.

I am in love with this gorgeous beaded necklace by HandmadeByNataniel! This took some time and patience to create.

And finally this cute flower garland by StitchedUpCraft…I might have to make one of these for myself!


Can you believe that they make edible rainbows?! I’m thinking of flavor explosions of wonderfulness in my mouth. Such vibrant colors, so beautiful.

Rainbow link-up     Rainbow link-up     Rainbow link-up
I cannot even believe that this rainbow cake topper is food! Made by HugsandSparkles and just perfect for a little girls’ art-themed birthday party. Edit: the rainbows are made from non-toxic polymer clays, so while you can’t eat them, you can keep the pretties after the party is over 😍

These edible butterflies from SugarRobot look like they can just fly away.

How about rainbow carrot seeds? Maybe not a true representation of the full color spectrum but still a pretty neat offer from KenyonOrganics


Whatever you are celebrating, rainbow favors are bound to make it more delightful for your guests: from weddings to birthdays to hostess gifts.

Rainbow link-upRainbow link-upRainbow link-up
How about hand-poured candles in adorable mason jars? SoapForYourSoul is responsible for these beauties.

These rainbow organza bags from LoveLettersEtc provide beautiful pops of color and allows personalization with what you can put in them.

Who doesn’t appreciate stickers for their party needs? These rainbow and clouds from SGStationary are just perfect!


A list of rainbows would be incomplete without being able to make your own! Here are just a few diy rainbow goodness to enjoy.

Rainbow link-up     Rainbow link-up     Rainbow link-up
22 Rainbow Kids Crafts offers everything from paper plates to pompoms 

MikeAdamick talks about how to paint a rainbow wall. What kid wouldn’t want this in their room? 

Ziplock explains on their Facebook page how to make these rainbow roses. Whether it actually works or not, I dunno, but the idea is way cool?

Plans for a New Year!!

crochet baby blanket

After taking a huge break for all of last year (due to picking up a network marketing job (PLEXUS)), I am back and as ready as ever to share my craft-selling secrets! While I may not have been as active online, I have had *huge* craft-selling success this past year, and I’ve got so many tips, tricks, and secrets ready to share with all of you.

IMG_2996The first thing that I am doing to get ready for a GREAT new year, is starting up my CAL again! And it’s going to be even better than it was in 2014. What is a CAL? That stands for Crochet-a-long. Basically, I make cute little outfits for my crochet dolls, and I publish the patterns (for free) so that other people can also make the cute little outfits. Before we can get started (In January), you will need to create your doll. Hopefully, by starting now, I am giving everyone ample time to create their dolls and get ready to follow along as I post new patterns strategically. BUT, these patterns are only going to be available for free to those wonderful crafters who are part of my ravelry group. So, if you are interested, make sure that you join in (

I have spent the last year having a lot of fun with art journaling and bible journaling, and my ideas are just exploding! So, definitely stay on the look-out for some different methods, ideas, and inspirations for your own journaling desires!

First and foremost, this is a blog about “how to sell your hand-made crafts”, and as I have learned more about network marketing this past year (from selling Plexus!), I have also learned more about how to expand and increase my own crafty sales. I will be sharing my learnings with all of you guys. It’s going to be a great year, and I cannot wait to share it with all of you 🙂