9 Tips for Taking better Craft Photography

Instead of thinking of the photography as just one more step in the online listing process, why not consider it as an extra showcase of your artistic talent and ability?  If your products are not selling online, the chances are pretty high that the pictures are to blame.  You spend a lot of time creating beautiful crafts, well, now it is time to create the beautiful pictures that will assist in selling of these quality products.

  • Camera.  You need a picture-taking device.  Now, you don’t need anything super special, iphones can take just as good of pictures as a fancy expensive camera.  But, you do need something that can take a picture.
  • Lighting.  Try to use natural white lighting, but not direct sunlight.  Go outside, use a shadow.  Or inside, use a window.  Limit shadows as much as possible, especially the sharp shadows.
  • Background.  You can use props, a backdrop, make the product look interesting, but don’t detract from the product.  Many professional photographer’s prefer to use neutral backgrounds (like white, or beige) and no props, with JUST the product, but there is room for some artistic interpretation here.  Don’t be afraid to try something different and new from time-to-time.  Keep in mind that a little can go a long way!
  • Posing.  Whether you are using a model, or just the product by itself, arrange it to show off the best details.  Use depth of field, close-ups, and shots to show off the size when applicable.

Additional tips

  • Know you camera’s settings.  If you are using a fancy shmancy camera, know the settings and what you need to do to get the best photos of your product.  Understand how to make little adjustments.  Again, don’t be afraid to play around.
  • Don’t immediately delete pictures because they look “iffy” on the camera’s display screen.  Once you get them on your computer screen, they may look FANTASTIC
  • Edit the photo.  Crop it, enhance it, add a filter.  All of these are perfectly ok, and can create a better image for online viewing.
  • Brace your camera.  Whether using a tripod, monopod, or setting your camera on a surface of any kind, try to limit the amount of shaking that your hands will create by bracing your camera against a hard surface.
  • Other useful tools.  Don’t be afraid of using lamps, mirrors, or white paper for reflecting light.

And there you have it.  I hope that this has been helpful to you, and I’d love to hear how you have created beautiful photography for your products!