Instagram Challenge

At the beginning of this month I started an Instagram challenge to help grow my little crochet business. It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve definitely learned a little bit along the way. I looked up several different Instagram challenges on pinterest and am sort of meshing them together according to my goals and what I want to post.

If you would like to join in, you can just go check out the Facbook Group that I made. I’ve been posting prompts every day except for Saturdays and Sunday. I don’t post a prompt on Sunday because those are crazy weird days for me and I usually don’t get online at all. So, to make up for it, I post two of them on Saturdays (or Mondays if I forget) 🙂

And for those of you who may be interested in the prompts so far, or who want to play catch-up, or are just curious I’m going to post them below as well for you guys!

Day 1: Post a picture of your workspace and talk about your tools/materials/current project.

Day 2: Post an inspirational quote (preferably one that relates to your craft)

Day 3: Post about yourself. Include a selfie or a picture of your family and talk about who you are and why you do it. Why do you work so hard to sell the hand-crafted goodness?

Day 4: Post one of your products! Make sure you link back to your shop!!

Day 5: Share someone else’s content. While this may seem counter-productive, it really isn’t. Social media is all about the sharing aspect and sometimes, you’ve gotta give some love in order to receive it

Day 6: Time for a bit of research! Share a statistic that is relevant to your craft.

Day 7: TBT (Throw Back Thursday)! This one is hard for me, because my first creations were just awful! There was so much that I didn’t know about my craft five years ago, and I really don’t like putting that on display. However, it also shows how much I’ve grown and developed since then and only adds to my credibility